Tuesday 22 October '24כ' תשרי תשפ"ה



Journeying Through Sefer Bambidbar With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Matos Masai Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bambidbar With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Pinchas Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bambidbar With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Chukas Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bambidbar With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Beha’alosecha Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bambidbar With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Bamidbar Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Vayikra With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Bechukosia Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Vayikra With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Behar Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Vayikra With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Emor Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Vayikra With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Kedoshim Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Vayikra With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Tazria Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Vayikra With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Shemini Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Vayikra With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Tzav Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Vayikra With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Vayikra Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Pekudei Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Vayakhel Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Ki Sisa Rabbi Yoni Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Teztave Rabbi Ben Kurzer

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Terumah Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Mishpatim Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Yisro Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Beshalach Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Bo Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah Vaeira Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Shemos With The Ramban Al HaTorah Shemos Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bereishis With The Ramban Al HaTorah Vayeshev Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bereishis With The Ramban Al HaTorah Vayishlach Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bereishis With The Ramban Al HaTorah Vayeizei Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bereishis With The Ramban Al HaTorah Toldos Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bereishis With The Ramban Al HaTorah Chaye Sarah Rabbi Birnbaum

Journeying Through Sefer Bereishis With The Ramban Al HaTorah Vayera Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Journeying Through Sefer Bereishis With The Ramban Al HaTorah Lech Lecha by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Journeying Through Sefer Bereishis With The Ramban Al HaTorah Noach by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Journeying Through Sefer Bereishis With The Ramban Al HaTorah – Bereishis by Rabbi Birnbaum


Toras Chaim The Akeidas Yitzchok Approach To Rosh Hashana by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Devarim: Key Themes in Sefer Devarim by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Mattos-Masei: Remaining Still, Yet Moving Forward by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Theme: Pinchas, the Three Weeks & Beyond by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Shelach: The Importance of Deep Thinking by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Behaalosecha: Greatness in Humility by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Nasso: Striving for Spirituality by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Bamidbar: Dividing & Reuniting by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Emor: Defining Kiddush Hashem by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim: Sensitivity to Sanctity & How to Get There by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Divrei Torah and inspirational ideas on the Haggada Part 2 by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Divrei Torah and inspirational ideas on the Haggada Part 1 by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Vaykhel-Pekudei: The Meaning of Mishkan Ho’Eidus by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Tetzaveh: The Remarkable Story of Aharon HaKohen by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Terumah: How to Build Lishma by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Mishpatim: The Spiritual Heights of Dinei Nezikin by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Parshas Yisro: Building a Personal Relationship With Hashem by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Beshalach: Pathways to Emuna from Kriyas Yam Suf by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Bo: Defining Darkness, Creating Time by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Vo’eira: Upward and Downward Paths

Toras Chaim Parshas Shemos: A Defining Dialogue – Insights Into the Encounter At the Sneh by Rabbi Birnbaum

Parshas Vayechi: The Definition of a Lasting Legacy

Toras Chaim – Parshas Mikketz: The Brothers, Chanuka & The Power of Midda K’neged Midda

Toras Chaim Parshas Vayeshev: The Concept of Compromise by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Vayishlach: Pathways Towards The Ultimate Truth by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Vayeitzei: Standing Still in Order to Move Forward by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Toldos: Dedication Versus Instant Gratification by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Chayei Sarah: At The Pinnacle of Life: The Final Years of Avraham Avinu by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Vayeira: Boundaries & New Horizons: After the Ultimate Test by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim – Parshas Lech Lecha: תתן חסד לאברהם – Understanding the Leadership of Avraham Avinu by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Noach: Within & Beyond Limitations by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Ha’azinu, Sukkos & Living Life to the Maximum by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Approaching Yom Kippur With Simcha & Awe by Rabbi Birnbaum


Toras Chaim Parshas Netzavim by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Ki Savo: The Power & Potential of a Second Chance by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Ki Seizei by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Devarim: Alone, Yet Always Together by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Mattos-Masei: The Message of the Neder – Drawing Close to the Infinite by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Pinchas: Holding Our Heads Up High by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Balak: Building From the Brochos of Bilam

Toras Chaim Parshas Korach: Relative Truth & Remarkable Almonds by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras ChaimParshas Shelach Lecha: When Opportunity Knocks, How Do We Respond? by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Behaalosecha: Journey From or Journey To? A Challenging Concept by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Nasso: Tracking & Tracing Kedusha by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Bamidbar/Shavuos: Commitment & Connection in the Desert by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Bechkosai: The Challenge of Reward & Punishment by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Behar: Living With the Land by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Emor: The Power of Preparation by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Kedoshim by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Acharei Mos by Rabbi Shmuli Sagal

Toras Chaim Parshas Tazria: Keeping the Internal Pure by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Shemini: Lessons in Greatness From Nadav & Avihu by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Vayikra: Setbacks, Contradictions & Aspirations by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Pekudei: Accounts & Genuine Accountability by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parshas Ki Sisa: The Curious Case of the Counting of Shevet Levi by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Parshas Tetzave: The Garments of Moshe & Aharon by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur -Parshas Teruma: Bringing the Mishkan of Fire to Life Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur -Parshas Mishpatim: Boundaries, Spirituality & The Potential of Youth Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur -Parshas Yisro: Har Sinai & Shalom Bayis-Lessons for Life by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Beshalach: A Journey From the Miraculous to the Mundane by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Bo: Continuity, Change & The Message of the Moon by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Va’era: Kotzer Ruach & Altered Reality by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Shemos: The Origins of Great Leadership by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Vayechi: Tribes Together by Rabbi Shmuli Sagal

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Vayigash: A Moment of Justice by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Miketz: Darkness & Light, Exile & Redemption by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Vayeshev: The Power of Perspective by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Vayishlach: Rivka’s Legacy & The Power of Commitment

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Vayetzei: Challenges of Truth & Deception

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Toldos: Confronting Complexity by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur -Chayei Sara: Chevron – Foundations of the Family, By Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Vayera – Futuristic Vision by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Lech Lecha – The Power of Seeking Hashem by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur- Noach: Life Lessons From the Descent & Ascent of Mankind

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur – Bereshis: The Concept of Continuous Creation

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Vayelech – Final Mitzvos, Final Messages


Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Nitzovim – The Mystery & Miracle of Teshuva

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Ki Sovo – The Personal Pathway: Action, Attitude & Simcha

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Ki Teitzei: Ethical Warfare, Ethical Life

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Devarim – Understanding Sefer Devarim

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Matos Masei – The Concept Of Commitment

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Pinchas- The Promise of Peace

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Balak – The Power Of Words

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Chukas – Of Legacy and Leadership by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Korach – The Roots Of Machlokes by Rabbi Birnbaum

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Shelach – Moral Panic to Moral Responsibility

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Beha’alotcha – The Danger of Discontent

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Nosso – Lessons for Life from the Nazir

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Bamidbar – Names & Numbers, Roles & Responsibilities

Toras Chaim Parsha Shiur Behar Bechukosai – Learning From the Land

PARSHAS EMOR  – The Legacy of Lineage: A Study in Contrasts

PARSHAS ACHREI / KEDOSHIM – The Foundations of Social Morality

PARSHAS TAZRIA and METZORA – with Rabbi Kurzer






















Contemporary Challenges – Vayera – Is a Jew Allowed to Hide Their Identity In Public?