Tuesday 22 October '24כ' תשרי תשפ"ה


Welcome to the website of Kehillas Toras Chaim, a warm and vibrant orthodox community situated in Hendon, North West London. Here you will be able to find information about our Shul including times for minyanim and shiurim, how to join our community and details of all our upcoming events.


To view the Toras Chaim Shabbos Inspiration publication for Shabbat UK click here.



The Luach is available by clicking HERE!!!

Times For סוכות

Wednesday, Eruv Tavshillin  
06:45  | Shacharis 
17:45  | Mincha and Kabbolas Yom Tov
17:45  | Hadlokas Neiros

Thursday 1st Day Succos
 | Latest times for Kriyas Shema
09:00 | Shacharis
Followed by Kiddush – sponsored by Jonathan Shelley to mark his father’s recent yarzheit

17:40 | Mincha followed by a shiur by Rabbi Golker
18:52 | Maariv and Kabbolas Yom Tov

Friday 2nd Day Succos
 | Latest times for Kriyas Shema
 09:00 | Shacharis
Followed by Kiddush – sponsored anonymously
17:40 | Mincha and Kabbolas Shabbos
17:44 | Hadlokas Neiros

Shabbos Chol Hamoed
09:32/10:08 | Latest times for Kriyas Shema
09:00 | Shacharis
Followed by Kiddush – sponsored anonymously
17:40 | Mincha 
Followed by Seuda Shlishis –  sponsorship available
Shiur by Rabbi Emmanuel Danan
18:48 | Motzei Shabbos and Maariv


08:00 | Shacharis 
17:40 | Mincha and Maariv  

Monday – Tuesday 
06:30 & 08:00 | Shacharis 
17:40 | Mincha and Maariv  

Wednesday Hoshana Rabba, Eruv Tavshillin  
07:10 & 08:40 | Shacharis 
07:39 | Neitz 
17:30 | Mincha and Kabbolas Yom Tov
17:34 Hadlokas Neiros

Thursday Shmini Atzeres
09:36/10:12 | Latest times for Kriyas Shema
09:00 | Shacharis
Followed by Kiddush – sponsored anonymously
10:30 | Yizkor not before
16:30 One Year Commemoration 
Special Seder limmud on Shmini Atzeres Le’iluy Nishmas our  brothers and sisters who have lost their lives as a result of our current war and in zechus for a Yeshua for our brethren in captivity. As a kehilla initiative and the special times that we are currently in,  we know how much of a difference the attendance of every single person would make of our kehilla to attend. 

17:30 | Mincha and Kabbolas Yom Tov followed by a shiur by our Yeshiva Boys
18:39 Hadlokas Neiros
18:39 | Maariv and Hakafos

Friday Simchas Torah
08:00 | Shacharis
Followed by Kiddunch – sponsored by the Chossonim

17:30 | Mincha and Kabbolas Shabbos
17:30 Hadlokas Neiros


Good Shabbos ✡️
Kehillas Toras Chaim


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